Every year Buckinghamshire Council prepare a budget for the upcoming year and they are asking residents and businesses to tell them their priority areas for the year ahead.
The impacts of the pandemic both economically and on residents has been exceptional. This has has led to significant additional costs and seen large reductions in income across a range of areas whilst at the same time Buckinghamshire Council have taken on additional costs providing new and further support to the most vulnerable children and adults and to help the recovery of the local economy and jobs.
In considering recovery from the pandemic, Buckinghamshire Council will be focusing on their priority areas outlined in their Corporate Plan:
- Strengthening our communities
- Improving our environment
- Protecting the vulnerable
- Increasing prosperity
The Council are asking for you to take the time to reflect the needs for the who of Buckinghamshire as well as the your priorities when you complete the online Budget Consultation. The consultation is open until 14th November so you still have two weeks to give your thoughts on something that will impact your daily life.
You can find out more about how Buckinghamshire Council currently allocate funding as well as how to complete the survey at https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/corporate-services/budget-consu…;