In Buckinghamshire, the Conservative administration have made tough choices to ensure a balanced budget, prioritising essential services despite limited funds. They’ve allocated extra government funds to our adult social care and committed and additional £5million to road repairs bringing the overall total committed to £110 million over the next four years, vital after the wettest February in 248 years.
Despite challenges, Conservative led Buckinghamshire Council have saved £75 million in four years and plan to save £95.3 million more. To support our community, council tax will see a necessary increase of 4.99%. They’re investing in the areas residents have told us they want to see prioritised while maintaining crucial services including:
- £110 million on roads with a further £8.4 million on footways
- £26.1 million on housing support and homelessness, including affordable housing action places and disabled facilities grants
- £14.7 million on climate action and flood management
- £37.6 million on town regeneration.
Tough times call for prudent measures, but their commitment to Buckinghamshire and its residents remains unwavering.